Jorge Gutierrez-Aceves, MD is the Center Director for Endourology and Stone Disease at the Cleveland Clinic Department of Urology. He is recognized as a world expert in endourology and treatment of kidney stones with over 30 years of active practice in endoscopic surgery and has performed more than 10,000 surgeries in the field. He has served in a variety of leadership roles in different international urological organizations, including Secretary General of the Confederacion Americana de Urologia (CAU), President of the Endourological Society and he currently serves as the American Urological Association Associate Secretary for the Americas, North, Central and South America. His main research interest is on minimally invasive endoscopic surgery for treatment of renal and urinary tract stones and on prevention of urinary tract infections related to kidney stones. Dr. Gutierrez-Aceves has participated extensively in several scientific educational activities and programs internationally with continuous teaching experiences as lecturer and surgeon.
Plenária Teatro
08:00 às 10:00 - ENDOUROLOGIA
08:17 às 08:22 - Mini percutânea e ultramini percutânea
Plenária Golden Hall - 1
09:00 às 10:00 - ENDOUROLOGIA
09:18 às 09:26 - Duplo J ou Nefrostomia? Existe diferença?
Plenária Golden Hall - 1
10:30 às 12:30 - ENDOUROLOGIA
12:10 às 12:20 - Nefrolitotripsia percutânea